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The 5 E's explain the fundamental values and principles of our ministry.



Exalting Christ

The Presence of God

Through Worship / Music


The Word 



Envisioning People

Commitment / Dedication to a vision

Visionary Leadership 

Belief in People / Their Potential / Respect for Person / Dignity



Evangelize the world for Christ

Aggressive Evangelism / Street Outreach

Church Growth

Assimilation / Connecting People into the Local Church

Missions / World Evangelism

Inner - City Ministry / Urban Areas / Ghettos



Establishing Christians toward Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Parenthood / Discipline

Commitment / Dedication / Sacrifice

Christian Character / Ethics / Morality / Integrity / Holiness

Marriage / Healthy Husband-Wive Relationship

The Family / Healthy Parent-Child Relationship

Church Family / Relationships / Community / A Sense of Belonging

Unity / Teamwork / Respect / Loyalty

Restoration / Forgiveness

Tithing / Financial Management / Stewardship / United We Can

Commitment to Biblical Standards / Balance / Doctrine 

The Church / Commitment to the Local Church / Faithfulness / Involvement



Equipping Christians for Ministry

Discipleship / Reproduction / Spiritual Parenthood

Equipping / Training / Continual Learning

Giftedness / Development of Spiritual Gifts 

Anointing / Spiritual Authority

Spiritual Warfare / Spiritual Backgrounds

Faith / Dependence upon God / Godly Strategy / Holy Spirit Empowerment

The Supernatural / Healings / Miracles

Pastoral Leadership / Preaching / Teaching

Leadership Development / Leadership Selection



THE 3 C's

Our ministry is broken up in 3 areas! Three C's: Cause, Corporation and Community 


Community - (Family)

Acts 2:42; 1 Timothy 5:1-2 

The church is a community; we are a family! This is why we call each other "brother,"

"sister," spiritual "mother" and "father." We can express and receive love, security and a sense of belonging through FAMILY.


Victory Outreach has been instilling the concept of family into our members since the beginning of our ministry. God has raised up a people that now have a sense of purpose and belonging through joining this community.


Many of the people working in the ministry of Victory Outreach have found a sense of dignity and belonging by being a part of this family of believers and are now taking their place worldwide in spreading the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ.


Cause - (Vision)
Matthew 16:18; Zechariah 4:6

We are on a mission that God has given us to reach the world. Having the same mindset is essential for reaching new lands for the Lord. While in a family the basic values that are instilled are love, acceptance and respect; in a 'cause' mindset, the values are a sense of mission, strategy, honor, courage, duty, and loyalty. In having these same core values, we will continue to experience VICTORY after VICTORY!



Corporation - (Organization)

1 Corinthians 14:40 

Besides being a family with a cause, the church also functions as a corporation. This is the business aspect of the ministry. We have our Victory Outreach International office which is fully staffed with individuals that are dedicated to the worldwide expansion of Victory Outreach through “United We Can”. This will become our future financial stability.


Each local Victory Outreach church strives to become a well-polished, business-run church. We recognize and believe in accountability to leadership in all aspects of the vision. Decisions are made for the benefit of the total organization. 



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